Integrity policy Integrity policy for job seekers and employees

Job seekers/Employees

Privacy policy for job seekers and employees

1. Introduction

The individuals’ personal privacy and the secure handling of their personal data is important to us at StudentConsulting. StudentConsulting is responsible for ensuring that all personal data is processed in accordance with the applicable data protection regulation (GDPR). This privacy policy describes StudentConsulting’s processing of the personal data of jobseekers and employees. We therefore ask you to carefully read the privacy policy before sharing your personal data with us.

2. Information from and about you which we collect, process and retain

StudentConsulting only collects, processes and retains personal data which is relevant to the purpose described in the special terms and conditions for each position and in this privacy policy. The personal data is mainly used to match jobseekers with available jobs. StudentConsulting’s clients may be given this data, for example to allow our clients to contact persons who are on assignment with them.

All personal data processed by StudentConsulting comes from you as an employee or jobseeker registered with us, along with the data which you have provided yourself, either via our website ( or during interviews or contact with our recruiters/managers. This means that our staff can, for example, store comments from interviews. Some examples of the personal data of jobseekers which we process include name, telephone number, e-mail address, CV document, personal letters plus notes from any interviews conducted, and video CVs and references received. Note that as a jobseeker, you are obligated to inform the persons whom you give as your references that you have provided their contact information to us at StudentConsulting.

For employees at StudentConsulting, we also process personal data such as national civil registration number, bank information (for the disbursement of salaries), information about next of kin (in the event of an emergency) and work shifts, employment information and salary statements (to fulfil our obligations as an employer).

StudentConsulting stores and processes personal data and other sensitive information about you in a secure way. StudentConsulting has specific policies and rules which we apply when processing personal data, and these apply both internally and externally.

3. Processing of personal data

We at StudentConsulting want to be open and transparent about how our processes work and what information we retain. StudentConsulting’s processing of personal data is described below, based on your particular relationship with us.

3.1 Your rights

StudentConsulting complies with all applicable rules and regulations and wants you to be aware that as a jobseeker or employee, you always have the right to know what personal data you have registered with us and is kept on file. You may once per year, free of charge, request a register extract of all your data stored by StudentConsulting. If you wish to receive a register extract multiple times in one year, we charge an administrative fee of SEK 395 per occasion. A register extract request must be signed and sent to StudentConsulting, FAO: Ekonomiavdelningen, Box 5832, 102 48 Stockholm. You must specify your national civil registration number along with the postal address (or e-mail address) where you want the extract sent to.

You as a jobseeker or employee are also entitled to have the information about you corrected and updated if it turns out that any information is incorrect or if there is anything you would like to add or raise objections against. This is done by sending an e-mail to where you describe what you want updated and what information you regard as being inaccurate. You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, StudentConsulting may need to continue to retain certain data about you even if you withdraw your consent, due to other laws and/or regulations.  

Do you want us to delete and no longer store your personal information?
You have the right to request that your personal information be deleted. Note that there may be an obligation for StudentConsulting to save your information despite this, for example personal information that we process according to law or agreement with you. If this is the case, we will then only save your data for this purpose and not use it for any other purposes. Contact StudentConsulting's data protection representative at and we will help you with your request.

3.2 Purpose of the processing of personal data

Personal data is processed for the intention and purposes described in this privacy policy. Choosing not to provide certain personal data may affect the recruitment process.

StudentConsulting only processes personal data to the extent that such processing is necessary for the recruitment or such other purposes as described below. This also applies to sensitive personal data.

The purpose of StudentConsulting’s processing of the personal data of jobseekers and employees may include:

  • Recruiting the right person for the right position, but primarily to offer our jobseekers work.
  • Processing applications, interviews and decision-making in a recruitment procedure.
  • Fulfilling legal obligations or being able to enter into and fulfil employment agreements, as well as fulfilling our obligations as employers.
  • Managing any cases of alleged discrimination, or disputes and complaints.
  • Performing internal demographic studies and optimising StudentConsulting’s operations.

3.2.1 Personal data

By consenting to this privacy policy, you are agreeing to StudentConsulting processing your personal data in accordance with this privacy policy. If you do not consent to such processing, you are not to provide us with personal information or enter into an employment agreement with us.

You will find information below about the types of personal data that StudentConsulting processes and how StudentConsulting may recieve/obtain this data.

3.2.2 Jobseekers

As a jobseeker with StudentConsulting, we process the personal data that you have personally provided us, either via StudentConsulting’s website or via contact with StudentConsulting’s staff for the provision of the service. This means that our staff can, for example, store comments from interviews.

StudentConsulting uses profiling and a framework to assess the responses when someone is seeking work through us. One example of this is answering multiple choice questions. This is to ensure that the jobseekers satisfy the clients’ requirements profile and for the assessment to be as accurate and fair as possible.

The personal data we might process that concerns you can include: name, e-mail address, telephone number, national registration number, competencies and previous experience through your CV and the knowledge and experience you have registered via your profile, links to your account on social media (if you have chosen to link your profile to any of these), photos, video CV, results from tests that you have taken during our recruiting process, other personal data that you have personally chosen to share with StudentConsulting in your CV document or in other uploaded documents, information from referees (such as opinions and notes, e.g., regarding absence) and information considered necessary for monitoring the service.

In the event that you volunteer to be filmed (for a video CV) or photographed, or if you provide unsolicited photos or a video CV to StudentConsulting, you then consent to StudentConsulting processing such data about you. This information may be forwarded to our clients in the event of a presentation for a vacancy.

It may happen that you, in conjunction with completing tests, are required to accept additional terms regarding the processing of your personal data. These tests in turn may be included in StudentConsulting’s recruitment process.

As some of StudentConsulting’s clients impose rigid security requirements on individuals, StudentConsulting may in certain cases need to carry out various types of background checks, such as extracts from the criminal records registry, health examinations or credit checks. In terms of extracts from the criminal records registry, it is you who personally decides whether you want to order such a document. An extract from the criminal records registry is opened by you together with staff from StudentConsulting.  The results of the checks are not registered with StudentConsulting beyond a notation that a check has been carried out. StudentConsulting may however verbally discuss the results with the client company for the purpose of providing the service.

With regard to health examinations, such as a drug test before being booked on an assignment where such is relevant, or a health check-up prior to nighttime work, you can personally choose if you want to participate in these. We will also verbally inform you of any credit checks in advance.  

If you choose to decline to consent to background checks, this may impact your possibilities of being considered for the job.

3.2.3 Employees

If you are an employee of StudentConsulting, we need to obtain information in addition to that specified under point 3.2.2 Jobseekers, for instance contact details for relatives as well as banking details.

StudentConsulting processes and retrieves personal data on employees so as to fulfil its obligations pursuant to laws and collective agreements and to enter into and fulfil individual agreements.

StudentConsulting may need to share personal data with external actors in order to, for example, pay out salaries. StudentConsulting has a data processing agreement with all such external actors.

Your personal data is only processed for relevant purposes such as being able to manage general administration, pay salaries, facilitate evaluation and review performance, as well as to ensure that the employer fulfils legal obligations.

StudentConsulting may also need to process sensitive personal data concerning you, such as health information. Health information may need to be processed, for example, so that StudentConsulting can fulfil its rehabilitation responsibility as employer.

3.2.4 Storage of personal data

How long the personal data is stored depends upon what data it concerns and the purpose of the processing.

The data you register in your profile or which StudentConsulting registers in StudentConsulting’s recruitment platform will be saved as long as your account is active, during an ongoing contractual relationship and thereafter, in some case for a period stipulated in legislation. The data may be used in future recruitments. Your profile is only considered deactivated if you have deregistered your profile, the contractual relationship has ceased, or when there is no longer need for our services.

StudentConsulting will as a rule save personal data concerning:

  • Information linked to application and recruitment processes, during the current year, for the latest activity and for the subsequent three years.
  • Employment agreements and conditions, during ongoing employment and for the subsequent ten years.
  • Information connected to client and supplier agreements, salary statements and data concerning business transactions and regarding time reports, participants, assignments, salary documentation, invoices, tax returns, annual accounts, during the term of agreement and for the subsequent ten years.
  • Statements of income and/or sickness or parental benefits received, up until StudentConsulting’s pension commitments have expired.

4. How we store and transfer personal data

StudentConsulting stores personal data in accordance with this privacy policy and applicable legislation. Personal data may be transferred between companies that StudentConsulting has as a supplier/partner. StudentConsulting has suppliers/partners for, e.g., the supply of personality tests and payroll management, and personal data may therefore be transferred to these parties. Naturally we have verified that all our suppliers/partners comply with the GDPR and other laws and regulations concerning the handling of personal data. StudentConsulting has also signed a data processing agreement with all our suppliers/partners that is adapted to applicable law, in order for StudentConsulting to be able to ensure a high level of security for your personal data.

StudentConsulting as a rule does not transfer personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA. However, if StudentConsulting has a service or subsupplier in a country outside the EU/EEA, or if it is necessary in order to be able to fulfil our contractual obligations to you, the transfer of personal data to outside the EU/EEA may be carried out. This may also be done even if the country, according to the European Commission, does not have appropriate personal data protection in place. To ensure a high level of protection for your personal data in such situations, and also comply with EU/EEA regulations, StudentConsulting always signs a data processing agreement with such subsuppliers. These data processing agreements regulate the subsuppliers’ processing of personal data and, where appropriate, the transfer of personal data in accordance with applicable EU/EEA regulations concerning personal data protection.

5. Protection and deletion of personal data

StudentConsulting has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data from i.a. manipulation, loss or unauthorised access. We continually adapt our security measures to the constant technical developments.

StudentConsulting expunges personal data in accordance with the applicable law at the time. StudentConsulting deletes or anonymises personal data when the purpose of the processing of personal data is no longer valid. The purpose of our processing of your personal data is described in more detail under point 3.

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy

StudentConsulting retains the right to revise this privacy policy from time to time on the basis of technical developments, amendments to applicable data protection legislation, or changes in StudentConsulting’s procedures or business strategy. The date of the most recent amendment is specified at the end of the privacy policy. We at StudentConsulting therefore recommend that you read this privacy policy regularly to become aware of any changes. If we amend the privacy policy in a way that significantly differs from the version you consented to, we will inform you of these changes and, if needed, request further consent to StudentConsulting’s personal data processing.

7. Contact us

If you have any questions or comments, or wish to raise a complaint, regarding this privacy policy or our processing of your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer at



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